Bad value “|Raleway|Lora:400,400italic|Jura” for attribute “href” on element “link”: Illegal character in query: “|” is not allowed.
The “name” attribute on the “img” element is obsolete. Use the “id” attribute instead.
Bad value “314, 202, 335, 200, 344, 229, 346, 247, 322, 249, 325, 256, 315, 257, 313, 234, 314, 202” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “19, 234, 74, 234, 78, 283, 97, 303, 89, 311, 21, 312, 19, 234” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “88, 166, 129, 173, 121, 240, 101, 237, 71, 218, 71, 216, 75, 213, 73, 211, 73, 207, 76, 204, 77, 200, 80, 197, 78, 190, 80, 175, 84, 177, 85, 176, 88, 166” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “256, 187, 294, 185, 292, 190, 298, 191, 295, 196, 295, 202, 293, 204, 292, 210, 290, 212, 288, 214, 287, 218, 287, 223, 287, 227, 261, 227, 261, 221, 258, 220, 257, 220, 257, 209, 256, 187” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “137, 125, 130, 172, 190, 178, 193, 131, 137, 125” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “423, 98, 426, 107, 432, 120, 447, 121, 447, 112, 440, 109, 438, 102, 435, 95, 423, 98” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “414, 135, 414, 141, 419, 142, 426, 142, 426, 143, 441, 144, 441, 135, 414, 135” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “416, 155, 419, 166, 438, 169, 438, 156, 416, 155” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “336, 200, 357, 198, 356, 201, 361, 202, 382, 228, 379, 245, 375, 245, 375, 249, 348, 249, 346, 247, 345, 229, 336, 200” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “83, 247, 83, 276, 115, 309, 145, 309, 139, 268, 83, 247” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “94, 17, 101, 20, 98, 31, 100, 38, 105, 48, 108, 49, 103, 63, 108, 61, 113, 79, 127, 79, 122, 110, 76, 100, 82, 74, 80, 73, 81, 69, 89, 58, 87, 55, 94, 17” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “312, 121, 319, 118, 334, 118, 337, 153, 332, 155, 329, 164, 326, 163, 325, 162, 324, 165, 312, 167, 315, 156, 312, 121” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “239, 101, 280, 101, 282, 109, 290, 117, 290, 120, 286, 126, 283, 126, 283, 129, 285, 130, 281, 138, 278, 136, 245, 136, 239, 112, 239, 101” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “193, 142, 248, 144, 252, 146, 251, 149, 255, 154, 255, 179, 191, 179, 193, 142” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “261, 228, 288, 228, 288, 233, 289, 235, 288, 236, 287, 240, 284, 247, 285, 252, 301, 251, 306, 260, 312, 274, 265, 272, 263, 268, 267, 250, 261, 241, 261, 228” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “436, 26, 431, 56, 439, 79, 443, 69, 449, 66, 450, 59, 454, 61, 462, 52, 453, 42, 449, 27, 444, 24, 440, 27, 439, 25, 436, 26” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “392, 133, 410, 130, 413, 143, 419, 144, 425, 144, 444, 145, 442, 156, 426, 154, 417, 151, 413, 147, 408, 146, 404, 148, 401, 147, 402, 141, 392, 133” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “423, 89, 438, 85, 440, 83, 470, 84, 470, 94, 443, 99, 438, 94, 436, 95, 423, 97, 423, 89” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “302, 51, 325, 56, 336, 63, 339, 73, 346, 88, 350, 99, 350, 105, 345, 116, 318, 118, 308, 76, 305, 75, 305, 72, 285, 63, 302, 51” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “234, 34, 250, 29, 267, 38, 276, 44, 280, 43, 289, 44, 272, 61, 270, 62, 271, 69, 266, 75, 268, 76, 269, 86, 280, 96, 280, 101, 239, 100, 239, 78, 237, 76, 238, 74, 234, 34” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “294, 204, 313, 202, 315, 257, 305, 258, 302, 250, 286, 251, 285, 249, 290, 236, 288, 223, 290, 213, 294, 204” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “102, 19, 185, 32, 181, 79, 129, 73, 127, 78, 113, 77, 108, 61, 104, 62, 108, 49, 105, 48, 98, 30, 102, 19” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “180, 105, 224, 108, 228, 111, 229, 109, 234, 110, 239, 114, 248, 143, 193, 141, 195, 131, 178, 128, 180, 105” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “52, 96, 98, 106, 84, 176, 79, 175, 78, 188, 43, 132, 52, 96” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “429, 56, 431, 55, 438, 77, 450, 70, 464, 70, 465, 81, 440, 82, 437, 86, 427, 86, 427, 67, 429, 66, 430, 63, 429, 62, 429, 56” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “414, 108, 423, 111, 421, 117, 431, 123, 444, 124, 444, 134, 431, 133, 420, 135, 412, 135, 411, 127, 418, 122, 413, 118, 414, 108” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “131, 173, 182, 179, 177, 238, 130, 236, 129, 241, 121, 240, 131, 173” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “415, 63, 422, 89, 423, 111, 413, 108, 408, 102, 373, 108, 372, 106, 375, 92, 403, 65, 415, 63” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “368, 176, 416, 168, 418, 189, 407, 202, 400, 204, 389, 194, 379, 195, 377, 192, 363, 194, 357, 197, 348, 198, 348, 195, 368, 176” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “185, 32, 235, 34, 238, 72, 183, 69, 185, 32” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “334, 118, 345, 117, 352, 119, 367, 109, 369, 138, 362, 145, 360, 148, 359, 154, 356, 155, 354, 152, 343, 151, 340, 149, 337, 149, 334, 118” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “183, 179, 254, 180, 256, 220, 250, 217, 233, 219, 208, 209, 208, 186, 182, 184, 183, 17” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “37, 38, 18, 84, 75, 100, 81, 74, 80, 70, 88, 57, 85, 53, 45, 49, 44, 40, 37, 38” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “371, 106, 376, 108, 408, 102, 414, 108, 413, 118, 417, 122, 410, 129, 371, 136, 370, 134, 367, 110, 371, 106” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “436, 96, 439, 94, 442, 99, 463, 100, 462, 115, 449, 112, 438, 102, 436, 96” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “356, 200, 364, 194, 377, 193, 380, 196, 389, 194, 400, 204, 397, 214, 382, 229, 356, 200” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “183, 69, 238, 72, 237, 75, 239, 78, 239, 113, 234, 108, 180, 105, 183, 69” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “302, 184, 314, 182, 367, 176, 347, 198, 295, 203, 297, 194, 299, 193, 302, 184” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “182, 185, 208, 186, 208, 210, 232, 220, 249, 217, 260, 222, 261, 240, 267, 252, 263, 266, 241, 282, 230, 316, 213, 308, 191, 266, 179, 266, 174, 274, 160, 262, 144, 237, 178, 238, 182, 185” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “99, 107, 122, 110, 121, 122, 136, 125, 129, 172, 87, 165, 99, 107” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “427, 87, 422, 88, 412, 56, 402, 44, 422, 40, 428, 58, 429, 66, 426, 67, 427, 87” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “352, 177, 363, 166, 367, 169, 377, 164, 382, 150, 384, 151, 391, 137, 395, 139, 396, 137, 402, 142, 401, 147, 410, 152, 413, 167, 387, 173, 352, 177” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “39, 10, 55, 7, 93, 17, 87, 54, 49, 48, 44, 41, 38, 38, 39, 10” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “369, 135, 392, 134, 395, 139, 390, 137, 382, 152, 377, 164, 366, 169, 356, 159, 356, 154, 359, 154, 360, 148, 369, 139, 369, 135” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “270, 62, 282, 58, 286, 63, 305, 73, 309, 83, 307, 110, 286, 111, 282, 108, 281, 97, 268, 86, 267, 75, 271, 69, 270, 62” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “130, 74, 181, 80, 177, 127, 122, 121, 130, 74” for attribute “coords” on element “area”: Expected a minus sign or a digit but saw “ ” instead. A circle must have three comma-separated integers. A rectangle must have four comma-separated integers.
Bad value “ Project” for attribute “href” on element “a”: Illegal character in query: space is not allowed.
Article lacks heading. Consider using “h2”-“h6” elements to add identifying headings to all articles.